The chorus competed for the first time in 2007 in the Sweet Adelines Australia Convention and Competition in Brisbane, placing second in the Small Chorus category. "We were delighted with our placing," said then Team Coordinator Jude Clarke. "Our motto is 'We strive for excellence' and this is a fantastic achievement."

Aurora in Brisbane 2007
Although not competing, sixteen members of the chorus travelled to Hobart in 2008 for the Convention and Harmony College. They were very proud when director Kerani received the inaugural Marian Reinsch Award. This award recognises excellence in the Sweet Adelines Director Certification Program.

In 2008, Aurora members were invited to tour our namesake, the RSV Aurora Australis in Hobart and, in return, sang for the captain on the helicopter deck.

Aurora in Hobart 2009
In May 2011, Aurora competed in the Newcastle convention, which saw us awarded second place in Division A (small chorus division) with a improvement of 30 points.
Newcastle 2011
We took to the stage again in 2012 in Canberra and this time achieved third place in Division A. Each experience of competing at such a high level against so many talented choruses allows us to develop and refine our skills to become better barbershoppers!
Canberra 2012
Along with performing in competitions, since 2015 Aurora has been involved in many other opportunities to perform. For several years we were privileged to sing for new Australian citizens at the monthly City of Canada Bay citizenship ceremonies, including the annual Australia Day Ceremony. We also continued to compete in the City of Sydney and City of Ryde eisteddfods (winning prizes!) and in community and Christmas events where we appreciate sharing the magic of four-part a cappella harmony. One of the highlights was singing on the steps of St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney at Christmas.
Singing on the steps of St Mary's Cathedral as part of the "Lights of Christmas".